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USDA - AMS: Weekly Cotton Market Review, selected spot & landed mill quotations, differences (2024-04-26)

USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture - April 26, 2024

       April 25, 2024         Memphis, TN       USDA Cotton Program, MNB

Spot quotations are in cents per pound for cotton equal to the Official
Standards, net weight, in mixed lots, compressed, FOB car/truck.
                     SOUTHEAST                           NORTH DELTA
       Staple            31-3     41-4     51-5     42-4     31-3     41-4     51-5     42-4
         33              76.83    75.83    71.33    74.08    75.83    74.08    69.58    72.33
         34              78.58    77.83    72.33    75.08    78.08    76.83    70.33    73.33
         35              80.58    79.33    72.83    75.08    78.83    76.83    71.08    73.83
         36              81.08    79.83    73.08    75.33    80.58    78.33    71.33    74.33

                     SOUTH DELTA                         DESERT SOUTHWEST
       Staple            31-3     41-4     51-5     42-4     21-2     31-3     41-4     51-5
         33              75.83    74.08    69.58    72.33    68.83    68.08    63.58    61.58
         34              78.08    76.83    70.33    73.33    71.58    71.08    70.08    62.08
         35              78.83    76.83    71.08    73.83    74.83    73.33    70.08    63.33
         36              80.33    78.33    71.33    74.33    77.58    76.08    70.93    63.58

       Staple        EAST TEXAS-OKLAHOMA                          WEST TEXAS
                         21-2     31-3     41-4     42-4     21-2     31-3     41-4     42-4
         29              63.83    63.08    61.58    59.33    63.33    60.58    59.33    57.83
         30              64.33    63.83    63.08    60.58    64.83    62.58    62.33    60.08
         31              66.08    65.58    64.33    61.58    66.83    64.83    63.33    62.08
         32              69.58    68.83    68.83    66.33    71.33    70.33    69.08    65.58
         33              73.33    72.08    69.43    67.08    73.83    72.58    69.08    66.83
         34              74.58    73.08    70.18    67.08    76.58    76.08    69.08    67.58
         35              75.83    74.58    70.43    67.58    77.58    76.83    69.08    68.08
         36              76.08    74.58    74.58    67.58    77.83    77.08    74.83    68.33

       Staple        SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY
                         21-2     31-3     41-4     32-3
         34              84.23    82.73    73.13    73.08
         35              85.73    83.98    73.23    73.58
         36              87.98    85.73    73.23    74.58

Mike Ranges                SE       ND       SD       ET       WT      DSW      SJV     AVG.
24 & Below                                          -1850    -1850    -1350             -1683
        25-26            -1075    -1000    -1100    -1850    -1850    -1150             -1338
        27-29             -675     -650     -750    -1300    -1300    -1050    -1600    -1046
        30-32             -525     -525     -525     -825     -825     -700    -1000   -703.6
        33-34             -400     -425     -425     -625     -625     -500     -500     -500
     Base 35-36              0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
        37-42                0       25       25        0        0       25       25   14.286
     Base 43-49              0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
        50-52             -200     -225     -225     -450     -500     -325     -500   -346.4
53 & Above                -375     -375     -375     -525     -525     -525              -450

Strength                   SE       ND       SD       ET       WT      DSW      SJV     AVG.
19.0 - 19.9                                          -485     -475                       -480
20.0 - 20.9                                          -485     -475                       -480
21.0 - 21.9               -725     -850     -850     -460     -450     -675            -668.3
22.0 - 22.9               -675     -800     -800     -460     -425     -525            -614.2
23.0 - 23.9               -650     -750     -750     -435     -400     -375              -560
24.0 - 24.9               -625     -700     -700     -435     -400     -300     -500   -522.9
25.0 - 25.9               -600     -650     -650     -385     -275     -275     -400   -462.1
26.0 - 26.9               -300     -300     -300     -360     -250     -200     -300   -287.1
Base 27.0 - 28.9             0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
29.0 - 29.9                  0        0        0        0        5        0        0   0.7143
30.0 - 30.9                 25       25       25        5        5       10       75   24.286
31.0 - 32.9                 50       50       50       10       15       35      125   47.857
33.0 & above                50       50       50       25       25       75      250       75

Uniformity                 SE       ND       SD       ET       WT      DSW      SJV     AVG.
     77 & below           -125      -90      -90      -90      -90     -100      -60      -92
         78               -110      -80      -80      -75      -75      -90      -50      -80
         70               -100      -70      -70      -10      -60      -80      -40      -61
         80                  0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
       Base 81               0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
         82                  0        0        0        0        0        0       50        7
         83                 20       30       30        0        0       30       80       27
         84                 30       40       40        0        0       40       90       34
         85                 40       50       50        0        0       50      100       41
     86 & above             50       60       60        0        0       60      110       49

Cotton Program, Market News Division
3275 Appling Rd
Memphis, TN  38133
(901) 384-3016

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