TFC Commodity Charts

The TFC Commodity Chart web site is supported completely through advertising sponsorship. Without advertisers, this service would not exist .. at least, not "for free". To assist us in attracting new advertisers, we need to prepare an informational brochure promoting this site to potential sponsors. As part of the brochure, we must provide some demographic information which will generalize our "average" visitor.

Please help us to continue to support and expand this web site by completing the following survey. I will personally guarantee the anonymity of your answers. In fact, we will have absolutely no way to determine who it was that provided any particular answer. The information you provide will be simply added into an on-going tally of all answers. I guarantee more than confidentiality ... I guarantee anonymity.

Many thanks. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Mike Ritchie - TFC Commodity Charts

Your gender:
Female  Male

Your age:
Younger than 20 years  21 to 30 years  31 to 45 years
45 to 65 years  Over 65 years

Your interest in this web site is because you are:
A commodity broker  A speculator or investor  A hedger
A paper trader  A student  Just interested in commodities

How would you rate the TFC Commodity Chart web site?
Excellent/favorite free site  Good - very useful
Fair - needs improvement  Poor - I don't like it

Your approximate annual family income:
Less than $15,000  $15,000 to $25,000  $25,000 to $40,000
$40,000 to $65,000  $65,000 to $100,000  Over $100,000

Have you purchased products or services on the Internet?
Yes  No, but am open to it  No, and do not consider it

When did you purchase your present computer system?
In last 3 months  In last 6 months  In last year
In last 2 years  Other

How many hours do you spend "on the Internet" each week?
less than 2 hours  2 to 5 hours  5 to 10 hours
10 to 20 hours  Over 20 hours
