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USDA - AMS: Weekly National Sheep Summary (2025-02-21)

USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture - February 21, 2025

San Angelo, TX     Fri Feb 21, 2025    USDA LPG

National Sheep for week ending Friday, February 21, 2025

   Weekly Trends:  Compared to last week slaughter lambs 10.00-40.00
higher.  Slaughter ewes steady to as much as 40.00 higher.  Feeder lambs
not well tested.  At San Angelo, TX 5,540 head sold.  No sales in Equity
Cooperative Auction.  2,767 lamb carcasses sold with no comparison due to
confidentiality.  All sheep sold per hundred weight (CWT) unless otherwise

Slaughter Lambs:    Choice and Prime 2-3:
  San Angelo:     wooled and shorn 110-120 lbs 186.00-200.00; 120-140 lbs
                  170.00-202.00; 150-180 lbs 150.00-194.00.
  New Holland:    wooled and shorn 110-135 lbs 175.00-317.00.
  Ft. Collins:    wooled and shorn 110-130 lbs 225.00-290.00; 143 lbs
  South Dakota:   wooled and shorn 135-145 lbs 172.00-180.00.
  Kalona:         wooled and shorn 110-135 lbs 210.00-225.00, few 300.00-
                  325.00; 150-165 lbs 135.00-142.50.
  Billings:       wooled and shorn 110-145 lbs 169.00-210.00.
  Missouri:       wooled and shorn no test.
  Arkansas:       wooled and shorn no test.
  Equity Coop:    no sales.
Slaughter Lambs:    Choice and Prime 1-2:
  San Angelo:     hair 40-60 lbs 317.00-353.00, few 357.00-358.00; 60-70
                  lbs 310.00-349.00, few 350.00-356 .00; 70-80 lbs 270.00-
                  333.00, few 338.00-340.00; 80-90 lbs 270.00-292.00, few
                  304.00-316.00; 90-110 lbs 228.00-274.00. wooled and
                  shorn 53 lbs 336.00; 62 lbs 328.00; 70-80 lbs 280.00-
                  322.00; 80-90 lbs 260.00-262.00.
  New Holland:    wooled and shorn 50-60 lbs 395.00-397.00; 60-70 lbs
                  380.00-405.00; 70-80 lbs 342.00-365.00, few 370.00; 80-
                  90 lbs 285.00-300.00, few 325.00-340.00; 90-100 lbs
                  270.00-295.00, few 300.00-325.00; 100-110 lbs 240.00-
                  262.00, few 265.00-325.00. hair 50-60 lbs 365.00-385.00;
                  60-70 lbs 375.00-385.00; 70-80 lbs 310.00-337.00, few
                  350.00-365.00; 80-90 lbs 300.00-327.00, few 330.00-
                  345.00; 90-100 lbs 240.00-265.00, few 270.00-295.00;
                  100-110 lbs 265.00-287.00.
  Ft. Collins:    wooled and shorn 53 lbs 315.00; 63 lbs 320.00; 70-80 lbs
                  325.00-335.00; 93 lbs 350.00; 100 lbs 275.00. hair 50-60
                  lbs 290.00; 70-80 lbs 285.00-305.00; 80-90 lbs 238.00-
  South Dakota:   wooled and shorn 53 lbs 335.00; 60 lbs 365.00; 80-90 lbs
                  305.00-340.00; 90-100 lbs 315.00-320.00. hair 58 lbs
                  360.00; 69 lbs 335.00.
  Kalona:         wooled and shorn 40-50 lbs 375.00-412.50; 50-60 lbs
                  365.00-395.00; 60-70 lbs 340.00-375.00; 70-80 lbs
                  335.00-365.00, few 370.00-380.00; 80-90 lbs 320.00-
                  360.00; 90-100 lbs 260.00-290.00. few 315.00. hair 40-50
                  lbs 350.00-355.00; 50-60 lbs 340.00-375.00; 60-70 lbs
                  340.00-365.00; 70-80 lbs 307.50-340.00; 80-90 lbs
                  315.00-318.00; 90-100 lbs 270.00-300.00.
  Billings:       wooled and shorn 66 lbs 235.00; 70-80 lbs 233.00, new
                  crop 246.00; 80-90 lbs 223.00-229.00; 97 lbs 204.00;
                  109 lbs 200.00. hair 68 lbs 282.50; 85 lbs 214.00; 103
                  lbs 204.00.
  Missouri:       no test.
  Arkansas:       no test.
Slaughter Ewes:
  San Angelo:     Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
                  146.00-150.00, hair 120.00-160.00; Utility and Good 1-3
                  (medium flesh) 140.00-168.00, hair 148.00-168.00;
                  Utility 1-2 (thin) 150.00, hair 120.00-156.00; Cull and
                  Utility 1-2 (very thin) 108.00; Cull 1 70.00.
  New Holland:    Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
                  140.00-155.00, hair 140.00-145.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) no
  Ft. Collins:    Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 82.50-120.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
  South Dakota:   Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 85.00-95.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
                  100.00-110.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 90.00; Cull 1 75.00.
  Kalona:         Good 3-4 (very fleshy) hair 95.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
                  100.00-145.00, hair 110.00-132.50; Utility and Good 1-3
                  (medium flesh) 105.00-130.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 85.00.
  Billings:       Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 85.00-97.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
                  90.00-102.00, hair 120.00: Utility 1-2 (thin) 95.00-
                  115.00; Cull 1 85.00.
  Missouri:       Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
                  no test; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) no test;
                  Cull and Utility 1-2 (very thin) no test.
  Arkansas:       Good 2-3 (fleshy) no test.
Feeder Lambs:      Medium and Large 1-2:
  San Angelo:     hair 40-50 lbs 330.00-335.00.
  Ft. Collins:    36 lbs 340.00.
  South Dakota:   32 lbs 300.00.
  Kalona:         no test.
  Billings:       60-70 lbs 244.00-257.50; 70-80 lbs 232.00-245.00; 80-90
                  221.00-227.50; 90-100 lbs 205.00-215.00; 100-110 lbs
  Missouri:       no test.
  Arkansas:       no test.
Replacement Ewes:    Medium and Large 1-2:
  San Angelo:     young hair 100-115 lbs 172.00-218.00/cwt; hair ewes and
                  lambs 104.00-118.00/head.
  Ft. Collins:    no test.
  South Dakota:   bred middle age 240.00/head.
  Kalona:         no test.
  Billings:       ewe lambs 112 lbs 180.00/head; yearlings 205.00-285.00/
                  head; young 180.00-240.00/head; middle age 160.00-
                  200.00/head; aged 145.00-185.00/head.
  Missouri:       no test.
  Arkansas:       no test.

Sheep and lamb slaughter under federal inspection for the week to date
totaled 34,000 compared to 38,000 last week and 36,000 last year.

Source:  USDA LPGMN, San Angelo, TX
         Rebecca Sauder 325-4504265

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